Meet the Newest REX Fam Member: Brittany!

by | Aug 21, 2019

Meet Brittany, the newest addition to the REX team! We are very excited for you all to get to know her. She’s brilliant, creative, and has such positive energy. In this interview with Brittany, she shares a bit about herself and why she is passionate about building brands!


The REX Agency | Meet the Newest REX Fam Member: Brittany! - Brittany Tyson


Brittany, tell us a little bit about you and your background!

I am an outgoing and energetic individual who infuses my personality into my work. My passion is in building relationships with everyone that I work with, be it with coworkers or clients. I believe that if you foster positive relationships and build a deeper understanding with one another, then you will have more successful end results.

I have a Bachelor of Communications Studies from Capilano University and have driven my skills in communications into my marketing career. Through school, I was trained in the more theoretical and philosophical aspects of marketing and communications, which has given me a strong foundation. I am now making the most of every learning opportunity that I am given to build a diverse cache of practical skills.


What do you love most about marketing and branding?

I love the endless creative possibilities with marketing that can be used to help companies find their voice. I believe in the power of online marketing and the influence that it can have on consumers. Being able to build that influence, cultivate a following and help companies grow and succeed is a wonderful experience.


What attracted you to REX?

Their philosophies are what made me fall in love with the company. I could tell immediately that REX is a company with high morals and integrity, and that they care deeply for their clients.


What is your WHY? (we’re always obsessed with WHY!)

To bring a bright, positive presence to any project. To help shine a light for those who may be feeling overwhelmed or discouraged with their vision and trajectory, and to help actualize endless potential and possibilities.


Fun things our clients should know about you?

I love to sing and dance (not at the same time)! I read and play video games when indoors, but you can catch me up on the mountains winter or summer. I love to snowboard and hike.


That’s Brittany! To see the rest of the REX team, visit our Team page. Ready to speak with us about your next project? Contact us today to get started!