LinkedIn Best Practices for Small Businesses

by | Jul 10, 2019

It’s no surprise that LinkedIn has become a significant lead-sourcing tool for companies, especially in the professional services world. HootSuite reports that LinkedIn is providing companies with 80% of their inbound B2B leads. We did some research into how to best leverage LinkedIn to help our clients, small businesses like yours, increase their digital footprint and brand presence, and hopefully bring in more leads.

The REX Agency | LinkedIn Best Practices for Small Businesses - linkedin-statistics

First, Start with an Audience Audit

Start by assessing the demographics of your current LinkedIn audience. By understanding who is organically following your company page and content, you can extract insight on what content would provide the most value to them. Based on their occupation, region, and background, consider what challenges they’re going through and how you can offer solutions while positioning yourself as a credible expert.

LinkedIn Best Practices for Small Businesses

We looked through all the latest resources for you and have curated these tips on how to use LinkedIn the most effectively for business:
  1. Frequent posting (once a day)
  2. Have employees share company content and engage with it
  3. Posting articles that add value to your audience
  4. Visually appealing content (video being the premium)
  5. Key members of your leadership team should be engaging on the platform, commenting on trending industry articles, and engaging with other professionals in your field.

Get Clear On Your Platform-Specific Strategies

We recommend creating platform-specific strategies (with some overlap of course) for all your active social channels.
  • Instagram is a great place to show off stunning photos and visual content, and provide a more casual look into your team culture using Instagram stories.
  • Facebook is a great place to interact with your clients, prospects, as well as your community.
  • LinkedIn is a great place to build up your credibility by sharing articles or your original blog content, and engage with the professional community and potential clients on a more personal level. When building your Employer Brand, showing your internal culture in a professional way can build up the “desirability” to for top talent to want to work with you. 


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Want to start talking about a strategic approach to growing your business? Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation! REX Marketing + Design Inc. is a multi-award-winning agency established in 2006 that focuses on strategic branding, marketing, and design. REX has a mission to contribute to the trust economy by catapulting values-based purpose-driven businesses to success. Discover more about REX Marketing + Design’s unique approach to building competition-proof brands.