Say Hello to Christian Jones!

by | Aug 13, 2018


It’s been a long time coming. While Christian has been working with us for the past year, and has always felt like a part of the REX family – it’s now official. Christian has joined REX full time as an in-house Graphic Designer and we are beyond excited! Guess it’s time for a bigger office space? Here’s a quick interview with Christian so you can get to know him (and love him like we do!).


So who is Christian? Tell us a little bit about you, your education and experience.

My name is Christian Jones, and I am a graphic designer living in Vancouver, Canada. I received my BA at the University of British Columbia for visual arts and design. After graduation I decided to continue my studies in the field of design and enrolled in the graphic design program at The Art Institute of Vancouver. During my time at the Art Institute I became the tutor/TA for the graphic design program. This role was valuable experience because often I was helping international students who struggled with English; therefore, the job required a level of patience and communicative skills I had yet to practise as a designer. After finishing my education, I spent a year as a freelancer working for an array of clients.


What attracted you to REX?

Amanda Ainsworth (previous REX employee) brought me on as a designer for a branding project that she was spearheading for low income housing campaign in Burnaby. The project was a smashing success and we enjoyed working with each other so much that Amanda proposed I meet with REX to see if I could be brought onboard for future projects. After meeting with Allison, I was immediately drawn to the possibility of working for REX. The passion and energy she exuded toward marketing during our first meeting was incredibly inspiring to say the least. I knew that working for a boutique marketing firm meant that I’d be involved in all the different stages of developing a designs, despite my junior level of experience; which, in my opinion was an opportunity I could not pass up on.


The REX Agency | Say Hello to Christian Jones! - Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 4.28.03 PM  The REX Agency | Say Hello to Christian Jones! - Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 4.28.56 PM  The REX Agency | Say Hello to Christian Jones! - Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 4.28.40 PM


What is your WHY?

My ‘Why’ as a designer is: I want to shake up the way we, as a culture, perceive the world around us. On my first project with Amanda, I was fortunate enough to be able to develop a visual representation of homeless people that challenged the stereotypical imagery we have become accustomed to in the media. I love design because it is a universal language that can transcend the limitations of the written word.


What do you want to tell our clients about you?

I’m an adventurer at heart, so my free time is usually spent in the wilderness or planning my next backpacking trip. Much of my inspiration as a graphic designer is drawn from my previous travels, most notably my time spent in Iceland and Patagonia. Each trip I venture out on helps to expand my view of the world, which in turn strengthens my abilities in developing unique visual content.


That’s Christian! To see the rest of the REX team, visit our Team page. Ready to speak with us about your next project? Contact us today to get started!