The REX Agency | Provision CPA -  Image Name

Provision CPA

REX is rated a Top Branding Agency in Canada by Clutch with 25 International Awards for Brand Strategy, Marketing and Design


Provision CPA is a reputed and sought-after accounting firm in Metro Vancouver. They are an entrepreneur’s accounting firm focusing on small and medium businesses.

The founders of Provision CPA were corporate CFOs who got bored with the uninspiring corporate life and branched out to start their own accounting firm. After 20 years in the business, Provision CPA has grown by leaps and bounds and has established itself as a credible voice in the accounting industry in BC and beyond.


  • Brand Discovery + Development
  • Audience Insights + Journey
  • Market Research
  • Positioning + Strategic Narrative


  • Brand Visuals + Identity
  • Digital Brand: Website
  • Display + Brand Experience


  • Marketing Planning
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Management


Provision CPA came to us with a clear challenge: find the feel and bearing of our company, its leadership team and our distinction in the market.

That is as clear a goal as a brand strategist can hope to get from a client. We love to articulate these abstractions in conjunction with business owners and provide clear guidelines on how to maintain the feel of a brand.

A few years before they came to us, Provision CPA had hired key management folks to streamline their operations.
Those key hires did a great job of creating systems, improving processes and figuring out the best way to serve their clients. With all of this structure in place, Provision CPA was ready to create its brand.

Provision CPA grew its business because of their ability to build amazing relationships with their clients. This format worked but was not suitable to scale their business. The branding project was initiated so that they would not be over-reliant on their relationship-building skills and to attract clients outside their own network.


To build the Provision CPA brand from the ground up, we deployed our team to do the following tasks:

  • Discovery Sessions with the Provision team. We call it the inside-out discovery, where we listen to, understand, and document the client’s requirements.
  • FOCUS Research, where we interview key stakeholders (internal and external) to understand what they think and feel about the brand.
  • Competitor research to understand how the Provision CPA brand stacks up against the competition.
  • Audience journey and persona development to understand the mindset of their ideal customer.
  • SWOT Analysis to understand how to enhance Provision CPA’s organizational agility in dynamic business environments.
  • Digital Landscape Audit to gauge brand reputation on social media and search engines.
The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-02

After all this research, the next step was to present and discuss these insights with the Provision CPA team. This was a key milestone in the project where all stakeholders came together to finalize and agree on the key insights. After this step, our brand strategist worked on creating the brand compass for the new Provision Brand.

Once the brand compass was finalized, our creative team started building the Provision CPA brand. This is the step where the abstractions developed during the brand strategy phase start manifesting in logo design, brand guide and website design. This part of the process is truly magical and is where our clients can really understand the journey of co-creating a brand.

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The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-logo


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At the end of the brand strategy and platform development project, Provision CPA got a visually striking brand that communicates what Provision CPA is all about. Through this branding project, we successfully articulated and defined the essence of Provision CPA’s brand.

The new Provision CPA brand identity effectively communicates their accounting and taxation prowess and acumen for building client relationships. The Provision CPA team is now armed with a distinct brand to achieve its growth goals for the next five years.

To give you a sense of the change we caused, let us take a look at Provision CPA’s brand properties when we started working on this project.

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The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-web


The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-google


The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-icon


The REX Agency | Provision CPA - provisioncpa-brandguide