Get to Know Your Account Manager: Melissa!

by | Nov 5, 2017

The REX team is continuously growing and evolving. Our dedicated Account Managers are go-to points of contact for clients. They are there at every step of the process and become experts on your business and your objectives. As our team grows, we want to introduce them and show you why they’re so awesome. Here’s a little bit about Melissa!


So who is Melissa? Tell us a little bit about you, your education and experience.

I didn’t choose this career – it chose me! As a student, I realized there were certain things I really enjoyed: planning, organizing, writing, designing, filming, working with teams, working under pressure, and creating positive experiences and impact for those around me.

I completed my Bachelor’s of Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing, at Simon Fraser University. Throughout my degree, I volunteered with various student organizations, leading marketing strategies and large-scale programs and events, to gain experience.

My previous roles include: customer service + sales representative, social media manager, copywriter, content producer, and photographer. With my combined skills and experience, I’m looking forward to seeing how I can bring value to REX clients!


What do you love most about your career?

I’m equal parts driven by both, the process and the results. I get excited about seeing ideas come to life. I love that this career allows me to have one hand in strategy, and another in creativity – it really is the best of both worlds for me in many ways.


What attracted you to REX?

From the first time I met Allison, I knew that REX wasn’t like other marketing and design agencies. After learning about the REX process and approach, I could see that REX cares about client success more than anything else. Our team isn’t afraid to speak up when we think there’s a better way for things to be done and we don’t shy away from going above and beyond to ensure all stakeholders are happy with the final product. Being around people who share the same values as me – it’s inspiring, and so much fun!


The REX Agency | Get to Know Your Account Manager: Melissa! - Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 1.50.55 PM  The REX Agency | Get to Know Your Account Manager: Melissa! - Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 1.47.58 PM  The REX Agency | Get to Know Your Account Manager: Melissa! - Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 1.49.22 PM


What is your WHY?

My WHY is to leave the world better than I found it – and to use my unique strengths to do so!


What do you like about marketing, communications, and design?

I am grateful for the opportunity to influence positive change. Marketing and communications are such impactful tools which have the power to change perspectives, spark movements, and instigate conversations.

I love that through marketing, I can connect people to services and products that can genuinely change their lives for the better. There are so many great businesses run by great people – they deserve to be known!


What do you want to tell our clients about you?

I always step into challenge – in my eyes, everything is possible. Whatever you need, I will not stop until I can make it happen! If you’re in a crisis, you can rely on me to keep you calm and cool.


That’s Melissa! To see the rest of the REX team, visit our Team page. Ready to speak with us about your next project? Contact us today to get started!