The REX Rebrand

by | Nov 7, 2017


Working with brands has always been our thing. Developing brands from scratch, helping brands grow, and strengthening established ones is where we excel. We love helping others tell their story and discover their voice! But – this was the first time that we worked on our own brand internally, and it was one heck of an experience.

Why did we rebrand? 2017 has been a year of growth and we felt it was time for our brand to reflect our growing team. While the process wasn’t easy, we are so proud of the results. Here’s an overview of what went down!


1) Starting With WHY

This was probably the most difficult portion for us – as it usually is for our clients, too. It’s never easy to talk about yourself, let alone articulate your company’s driving purpose! Our WHY statement is still in the works, but the process included an intense team powwow in which each of us talked about our individual values and goals. What we ended up with is a collection of words and phrases that our team will live and work by. Our WHY will also drive all of operations, including who we work with, how we work, and how we communicate. That brings us to step 2.


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2) What We Do + How We Do It

Identifying HOW we work is basically stating how we are different from all the other marketing + design companies out there. During the brainstorm, we thought our HOW was how we choose trust + loyalty over tactics + fine print, or how we are always curious and asking why. What did we settle on, you ask? Our HOW is our unparalleled brand discovery process that ensures all of our work stems from a deep understanding of our client’s vision and motivations.


Finally, determining WHAT we do was the easiest task. Our list of services is continuously expanding and is quite diverse, so the challenge here was organizing our services into easily understandable chunks and in simple (jargon-free) terms.


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3) The Visual Identity

This was the fun part! As we always say, you can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame. We brought in a number of outside experts to help us transform our visual identity into something modern, fresh, and new that reflects the uniqueness of REX. We went through much iteration, as expected, and landed on a logo and branding elements that can be applied in many different ways.


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4) 3, 2, 1, Start With REX!

Once we had our new brand nailed down, we wanted to yell it out to the world! Of course we did it all: website, social media pages, presentation slides, business cards, letterhead, etc. This project went by so fast and seeing it all come together was… exhilarating.

The REX Agency | The REX Rebrand - bizcard


Think your company could benefit from brand development? REX is here to help. Let’s chat!