REX Marketing + Design Inc. Launches at BNI Vancouver!

by | Nov 6, 2017


REX IMAGE is no more. Our fearless leader, Allison, took to the stage on Wednesday, August 23rd, to present the soft launch of our new brand: REX Marketing + Design Inc.


This was a great opportunity for us to introduce some of our new team members and to re-introduce our company with a new visual identity that has developed alongside the internal changes that have been happening at REX. If you want to read more about why we did the rebrand and our rebrand launch party, check out our rebranding process blog.


We were also lucky enough to have some of our clients, like Moshe from DermaSpark Products Inc. and Grant Blanden from PuroClean Property Restoration, come and support us.


Thanks to all the members of the BNI Vancouver chapter for the overwhelming support as we take this exciting step!