The REX Agency | Brand Strategy - brand-strategy-hero
Brand & Marketing


REX is rated a Top Branding Agency in Canada by Clutch with 25 International Awards for Brand Strategy, Marketing and Design

What is
Brand Strategy?

You may have heard the term “Brand Strategy” before, but might not fully understand what it means.

In essence, brand strategy involves creating a clear and consistent understanding of your business – your offer, mission, values, and culture – in a way that resonates with your customers, employees and other target audiences or stakeholders.

It’s not a design project – it’s a discovery, research, consulting, and positioning exercise that ultimately drives greater success across marketing, sales, company strategy, culture, and recruiting.

Brand Strategy is a vital component for success, particularly for vision-driven or impact-driven leaders and businesses.

If you have ever struggled with not knowing what to do, what to say, and where to focus – whether in your marketing or in trying to inspire your people and organization toward your vision in a memorable and impactful way – then you need a brand strategy.

Transformational Benefits of Brand Strategy

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Know your 'Perfect Paying Customer

Gain an intimate understanding who they are, what they want, and how you can connect with them.

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Step out as a Category Leader

For some companies, our process uncovers an opportunity to not just differentiate but develop a new category for you to lead (Like how Uber defined and lead the Ride Share category).

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Differentiate in crowded markets

Gain momentum with powerful consensus.

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Craft your rallying cry

Increase customer loyalty and advocacy by telling them a story that they can’t help but repeat.

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Gain momentum with powerful consensus

Align leadership, operations, culture, and marketing producers to move faster in the direction of your vision and goals.

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Navigate with more certainty than your competitors

Have a competitive edge over other businesses that lack a research-driven strategy.

Find what you’re
looking for:

If your leadership team or marketing department has identified that they need to develop any of these areas, our Brand Strategy approach has you covered.

Just let us know your specific objectives and requirements when you book a Needs Assessment call.


  • Brand/Marketing Audit
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Discovery Sessions


  • Vision, Mission, Values
  • Differentiation Strategy
  • Brand Mergers, Maps & Hierarchy
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Story & Strategic Narrative


  • Market Research
  • Audience Insights
  • Audience Journeys
  • Culture / Employee Insights
  • Category Development


  • Brand Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Launch Strategy
  • Category Strategy

Have a strategic initiative that you think connects to brand, marketing, and communications and you don’t see it here? Book a Needs Assessment call and we’ll help figure out what’s next.

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Your Business

Ditch guess marketing tactics and embrace an award-winning, strategic approach that unites your brand and drives sales. Schedule your needs assessment and take the first step towards a stronger, more focused brand today.

Brand Strategy

Brand Compass

A comprehensive guide that outlines a company’s brand strategy and how its best positioned in the market. It provides clear direction for how a company should communicate and position its brand, both internally and externally. It serves as a blueprint for all brand, marketing, and communications related activities and as a guardrails document during strategic, operational, and culture development initiatives.

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Audience Insights

In addition to Personas, you’ll have a comprehensive summary of target audience insights, including their goals, obstacles, change they seek, underlying understanding, and solutions they want as it pertains to your business, product, service, and/or industry. These insights are helpful for employee training, customer service development, product and service improvements, and customer experience design.

Market Research Insights

Receive valuable insights and understanding of the external environment that your business operates in that may come up during research – including industry, market, competition, economic, technological, and environmental factors. This is provided to validate the Brand Strategy and in an effort to support company leadership in identifying opportunities, threats, trends, and drivers that impact the industry.

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Top Branding Agency in Canada

REX is ranked a 5-star agency on Clutch

Don’t hesitate to hire their team – you’ll get good results, simplified processes, and an enjoyable partnership.”

The Coaching Studio

Their ability to ask insightful questions allowed our team to explore certain ideas in a clear manner.”

Provision Accounting Group

According to the results we’re getting, I believe we’re working with the very best.”



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What our clients say about working with REX

Working with REX felt like having a partner that truly cared about our brand’s success and was willing to go above and beyond to ensure we got there.”

REX’s approach to brand strategy was a breath of fresh air. They helped us uncover our brand’s unique story and connect with our customers on a deeper emotional level.”

It’s rare to find an agency that not only understands branding but also understands the human element behind it. REX exceeded our expectations in both regards.”

Thanks to REX’s expertise and guidance, we were able to develop a brand strategy that not only resonates with our target audience but also aligns with our values and purpose as a company.”

The team at REX made the vulnerable process of defining our brand strategy feel safe and supported in a room of ‘tough guys’, which allowed us to be more honest and authentic in our messaging and opened up something in our culture.”

What’s next?

Brand growth starts with Brand Strategy and is a journey from a powerful articulation of your vision and business goals to better marketing efficiency and increased market share.

After Brand Strategy, it’s time to build (or revitalize) a strong Brand Foundation that will help you reap the benefits of Brand Activation when you get started. Without it, you could be driving customers to an ineffective brand and marketing platform.

Learn more about Brand Foundation – go to the next step!