How to measure if your website is working for you?

How to measure if your website is working for you?

Everyone knows how critical websites are for businesses of all shapes and sizes. A good-looking, modern, and functional website is table stakes for any business wanting to stay relevant in 2024. Businesses spend tens of thousands of dollars to produce a website that...
Top Consumer Trends To Watch Out For in 2024

Top Consumer Trends To Watch Out For in 2024

Every year, the biggest companies in the world publish prediction reports on what will happen to consumers in that year. The year 2024 is no different, and we have tons of research available to decipher what is going to happen. We are in what researchers call the...
The Long and Short of SEO in 2023

The Long and Short of SEO in 2023

If there is a word full of “woo” in digital marketing, it is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Used interchangeably for an optimization technique & a person who does the optimization, SEO is the quintessential algorithm-chasing game.  From Keyword stuffing to...